Russell Crowe angrily stormed out of a British radio interview on Wednesday after the host told the actor his accent in Robin Hood sounded Irish.

Russell Crowe Walks Out Of A Radio Interview
Last Updated: 2010-05-14T16:47:19+05:30
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Russell Crowe Walks Out Of A Radio Interview
Russell Crowe
Russell Crowe
Russell Crowe angrily stormed out of a British radio interview on Wednesday after the host told the actor his accent in Robin Hood sounded Irish.
The famously short-tempered Oscar-winner was chatting to broadcaster Mark Lawson for BBC Radio 4's Front Row show, when he was asked if he purposely added hints of the Irish dialect to his portrayal of the English folklore hero.
An infuriated Crowe angrily questioned Lawson's opinion before swearing at him.
Lawson asked the star, "The accent you've given him (Robin Hood). There are hints to me of Irish, but what were you thinking in those terms?"
To which Crowe replied, "You've got dead ears mate, you've seriously dead ears if you think that's an Irish accent.”
And the interview didn't get any better when the presenter tried to change his line of questioning, with Crowe returning to the issue of the accent.
The Gladiator star said, "I'm a little dumbfounded you could possibly find any Irish in that character, that's kind of ridiculous anyway but it's your show."
When Lawson tried to calm the actor by asking if the accent was supposed to hail from northern England where Robin Hood is said to have grown up Crowe snarled sarcastically, "No! I was going for an Italian (accent)... missed it?”
The star then walked out of the interview, adding, "I don't get the Irish thing by the way. I don't get it at all."

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