The choreographer of Oscar-winner”Slumdog Millionaire”, Terrence Lewis, will be giving a workshop in Cleveland.

Bollywood Comes To Cleveland!
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The Bollywood choreographer, Terrence Lewis, who won the award for “Slumdog Millionaire” is going to Cleveland for give a workshop on Friday, July 24, 2009. 
Belly dance has gone Bollywood in recent years, a popular trend of merging both art forms. Now, the dancers of all levels can experience the real thing. This workshop is being conducted by Terrance Lewis on this Indian dance from.
 This is a 6-hour workshop from 10:30am to 5pm that will cover beginner as well as advanced sessions. Cost for the entire day is $200.
Bollywood Arts Performing Center is sponsoring this once-in-a-lifetime workshop.
