Horoscope 2011

Find all about the Taurus individuals in this Taurus horoscope for the month of March.

Astrology: Taurus Horoscope for March 2010

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Taurus Horoscope for March

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Colour: Mauve

Tricky problems at workplace may try to affect your peace of mind. Though following a neutral profile would help you to easily sail through these tough situations. A sound health gives you opportunities to be a part of outdoor activities. Stars promise an eye to eye romantic encounter with a companion you have always been dreaming of. Stay tuned to swing in the magic of love.

Health is likely to remain sound throughout the month enabling you to participate in outdoor activities. Maintaining such a healthy curriculum will be beneficial in the long run.

Stars promise to offer an opportunity to enjoy an eye-to-eye romance with your dream person this month. Breathe in the air that would make your beloved swing in the magic of love.
You might have to deal with certain tricky problems at workplace. It is advisable to maintain a neutral profile in such situations so as to equip yourselves with the best measures to look for the feasible solutions. 

(Courtesy: Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma)

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