Horoscope 2011

The love match between two Sagittarians is a pleasurable experience. Know about the relationship compatibility between two Sagittarians.

Astrology: Sagittarius: Sagittarius and Sagittarius

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Sagittarius and Sagittarius

A Sagittarius combo means lots of fun, frolic and excitement. Sagittarians are characterized as active, enthusiastic, optimistic and lively and when two Archers team up, the outcome would be a highly charged atmosphere, with excitement all around. Both of them love freedom and independence and have a longing for amusement. Challenges excite them and they are ready for new things to happen in their lives. They love to explore new places and would move to the most distant of place, at the drop of a hat, just for the fun of it. The love match between two Sagittarians is almost perfect.
There is a great hunger for knowledge and information in Sagittarians and both of them would often be seen engaged in intelligent conversations. Together, they would see the world just like the learned. However, a stability of some kind is required to lead a life together. There is so much fun and excitement in their life that the seriousness does not have a foothold. As a result, life can get a frivolous and the relationship superficial. Sagittarians have the capability to get philosophical at times and then his partner should be completely supportive of him and should believe in his ideologies.
Jealously and possessiveness hold no ground in this relationship. Since both the partners are outgoing, sociable and amiable, they would not be green-eyed of the other. One of them might get a little stubborn, but the matter would soon get resolved without much damage. Since they have similar temperaments, life would be mutually very positive and optimistic for them. There is perfect balance between the couple, with room for everything - intensity, independence, intellect and exploration. Two Sagittarians would gel very well, have great compatibility and bask in the glory of positivism.

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