Horoscope 2011

The love match between Sagittarius and Aquarius is simply perfect. Explore the relationship compatibility between the two.

Astrology: Sagittarius and Aquarius

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Sagittarius and Aquarius

Sagittarius and Aquarius make an ideal love match. Where one is idealistic, the other is creative - a combination which works very well together. They make up an active and outgoing couple, which loves adventure and traveling. The coming together of the two is a sign to give way to the innovative and inventive team that wants to conquer the world. Sagittarians excel in coming out with new ideas and theories, while Aquarians outshine in implementing these theories in life. Both of them love their independence and give each other the required space.
The Water Bearer and the Archer use intellect and a sense of adventure to gain new experiences. Sagittarius is impressed by Aquarius's distinctiveness, dream and original capacity. Aquarius has a high regard for Sagittarian excellence and initiative. Both share a great zest for living and would not to limit each other. Neither of them is emotional or sentimental, which makes their relationship a superficial one. Though there are some differences in their temperaments, these would not hamper the great compatibility that the two share.
Sagittarius Man & Aquarius Woman
The coming together of a Sagittarian man and an Aquarius woman enables the rendezvous of creativity and invention. For them, variety is the most necessary element in life and hence, both would be satisfied with their relationship. While the male would help her to be more creative, the female would allow him to explore his horizons and have better understanding of things. They would never run out to topics for conversation and would cherish each other’s presence as long as they live.
Sagittarius Woman & Aquarius Man
Love, happiness and contentment would result from the love match between a Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man. The Sagittarian female and the Aquarian male would love each other, but there would never be too much of dependence in this relationship. Highly independent, they have a free mind and soul, the key trait that attracts them to each other. Adventure, fun, excitement and enjoyment define the life of both. He also shares her need for variety and together, both of them would have lots of fun exploring new people and places together.

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