Horoscope 2011

The love match of Aries and Scorpio is passionate one moment and aggressive the other. Find more information on their compatibility.

Astrology: Aries and Scorpio

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Aries and Scorpio

‘Passionate’ is the word that describes the relationship between an Aries and a Scorpio. They both are the lovers of power and can achieve just about anything – till the time they share equal amount of spotlight. They can be a great combination if they work in unison capitalizing on each other’s positive points. Scorpio is a planner and can help Aries slow down and learn how to plan battles before jumping into them. Aries, on the other hand, teaches Scorpio to let go and move on when their efforts are thwarted.
The partners would be great sexually but may be face problems emotionally. Scorpio’s possessiveness towards Aries can be a starter of problems as Aries is a free bird and would not want to be incarcerated. Both the partners have traits of jealously and can have heated arguments. They may face difficulties in understanding each other - Aries is a true extrovert, totally up-front and open, while Scorpio is an introvert, emotional and manipulative. Despite these, both are lovers of risk and danger which makes their life exciting and interesting.
Aries Man & Scorpio Woman
Aries man and Scorpio woman make strong couple powered by aggression and passion. Their strong will power and self confidence would draw them towards each other. While she would be the passionate one among the two, he would be the aggressive one. Aries love to travel and are fond of adventure and action which would make him very appealing for the Scorpio woman. The lust for power however makes life a little difficult for the duo as neither of them would be ready to give in for the other. Respect and a little bit of sacrifice from both the ends can act wonders.
Aries Woman & Scorpio Man
The combination can be a tricky one to manage. While both instantaneously get attracted to each other, the magnetism may be weary after some time. Aries woman will love the mysteriousness and the intense traits which engulfs the Scorpion man while he will love her ferocity and liveliness. The enthusiasm would keep the couple always on the move and they would never get bored of each other. However, there are certain differences which can create some troubles in their relationship. Aries love to be the controller of things which might not be well received by the Scorpio man. Aries woman are also flirtatious by nature which can make the Scorpio all the more jealous.

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